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Webinar Archive

Browse our archive of past webinars below, and click to view. Note that you will have to enter your information via the GoToMeeting platform to view each video. You do not need a GoToMeeting account, and your information will not be shared.

Fringe Benefits

Rewarding Employees Does Not Always Have to Be About Cash

Dec. 1st is Coming Soon, Are You Ready for New Dept. Of Labor Regulations

Audit Controls – Payroll-Finance

Time and Attendance Best Practices

Manage & Reduce (not a misprint!) Your Unemployment Costs – Including Overhead!

Regulatory Check-In

Retirement Benefits For Your Business: What Fits You Best?

Payroll Processing Best Practices

Employee Loans, Employee Discounts, Merchandise Purchase Deductions – Not As Easy As You Thought!

What Do You Have To Include In The Overtime Rate?

Multi-State Employers AND Employees

Timekeeping and Pay Policies and Procedures – Are You Getting A Return On Your Investment (ROI)?

Why You Should STOP Employee Loans – What You CAN Do Instead!

Independent Contractors vs. Employees – Lets Review

The New I-9

2017-01-31 13.30 Garnishments_The Good, The Bad_The Ugly

The Year Ahead: 2017 Limit Changes, Update Internal Revenue (IRS) Publication Review & Anything Else On The Horizon

Never Say The Words ‘1099 Employee’ – We Will Explain Why

Generation Z – Some Call Them ‘The Founders’ – Now That We Have Found Them, What Will We Do With Them (Or Them With Us)?

I-9’s, E-Verify, Self-Audits, Oh My!

Year-End Checklists and Best Practices – Start Now & Avoid The Holiday Rush!

Navigating The Scary Path Of Semi-Monthly vs Bi-Weekly Payrolls and Paying Current

Employee Expense Reimbursements – Best Practices

What Time, Even Travel Time, Is Compensable For Non-Exempt (Hourly) Employees? How Do Per Diems Work And When Can I Use Them?

Gears And The DOL

Employee Handbook Policies You May Need & Never Even Thought About

Are You Ready?

Change Management

Create A Comfortable Work Environment – Make Your Employees WANT To Come To Work

2018 Federal Withholding Tax Calculation And New Form W-4

2018 Federal Withholding Tax Calculation And New Form W-4

2018 Federal Withholding Tax Calculation And New Form W-4




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