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Enhance Visibility and Productivity with Automated Leave Management While Minimizing Compliance Risk

Managing employee leave, especially those unplanned, incidental absences, can affect your daily operations and require more administrative work, which can have a more significant impact on your bottom line.

Employers need to know what types of leave they are required to provide to their employees based on federal, state, and even local regulations, while managing employees' eligibility, accruals, and requests on an ongoing basis.

An accurate and automated leave management software can make this process much easier. With enhanced visibility and accuracy, employees can submit and monitor their leave requests with more transparency. Our leave management works seamlessly with our timekeeping software, all employee data including eligibility, timesheets, benefits plans, and pay rules will be at your fingertips while processing time off requests, allowing you to make more informed decisions.

  • Track leave eligibility, type, and duration based on individual employee case data
  • Automate tracking with enhanced accuracy and visibility
Configurable Leave Profiles
  • Configure leave profiles with accurate employee data in one system
  • Include available categories, entitlement time, rules, and workflows for request / approval process
Employee Self-Service
  • Employees can create, review, and track leave case progress through self-service portal
  • Increase visibility and transparency for employees
Integrated with Timekeeping
  • Integrated with timekeeping software with employee timesheets and schedules
  • Comprehensive visibility for employee time entries and pay rules
Leave Management Software Demo Video

Want to See Our Leave Management Software in Action?

Watch our leave management software demo and see why companies trust Paytime for their talent acquisition and employee management needs.


Streamlined & Consistent Leave Management


By removing manual tasks from the traditional leave management process, our leave management software ensures accurate data and provides comprehensive visibility with configurable workflows and streamlined leave request processes. By automating the administration of leave eligibility and requirements, our solution ensures every case is managed accurately, consistently, and thoroughly.


Our leave management solution ensures equal, fast, and fair policy enforcement and can help build a positive workplace culture and have a dramatic, positive impact on employee morale. Employee visibility and self-service capabilities are bolstered through request initiations, leave eligibility, and balance tracking - all available anytime, anywhere with our mobile app.


More Accurate & Efficient Leave Management

Paytime - Leave Management Product Profile

Our leave management solution provides comprehensive management capabilities that automate the administration and tracking of employee leave. This highly configurable solution can match the unique needs of your organization, providing you with greater efficiency and a minimized compliance risk.

Take a look at our leave management product profile and see what's included in our solution and how your company can benefit from it.


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